COPE Psychological Center
Dr. Rubin

Listen to Dr. Rubin on The Jordan Harbinger Podcast!

Dr. Rubin serves as an Addiction Psychologist and consultant for The Jordan Harbinger Podcast and recently contributed to 3 episodes where listeners asked for advice related to their own or a family member’s addiction. For information on which three episodes with Dr. Rubin to listen to and the questions, see below!

The Jordan Harbinger Podcast has over 15 million downloads per month and hosts a weekly Feedback Friday where listeners can ask questions and get expert answers. Check out Dr. Rubin on the show wherever you podcast!

dr. rubin, Listen to Dr. Rubin on The Jordan Harbinger Podcast!

Episode 671 – Aired on May 20, 2022

Go to 27:44 mark to listen to advice for a young adult wondering about habits on how to break his addiction.

Episode 679 – Aired on May 27, 2022

Go to 32:54 mark to listen to advice for a woman wondering how she can maintain a healthy relationship with her mom without letting her mom’s addiction get in the way.

Episode 699 – Aired on July 15, 2022

Go to 36:55 mark to listen to advice for a young man wondering how to tell his employer that he needs to go to rehab.

COPE Addiction Treatment Philosophy

We see substance use treatment as a microcosm for something that we all strive to do every day, which is to change our behavior, to do better. The difference is that alcohol and drugs exert powerful influences on our brain through the release of dopamine. However, at its core, we all struggle with something. We all have used something “out there” to make something “in here” feel better. Many of us call that something alcohol or drugs while many others call it relationships, gambling, reassurance seeking, sex, shopping, etc. We aim to balance the commonality in our experience with the specifics of our clients’ presenting issues to bring understanding and humanity to our evidence-based practice of substance use disorders.


  • Individual Therapy
  • Couples Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Group Therapy

If interested in learning more about any of these, visit us at our site for more information.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Rubin Today

[email protected]
(310) 453-8788

Quote Therapy

“The attempt to escape from pain is what creates more pain.” – Dr. Gabor Maté

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