COPE Psychological Center
Managing Your Anger

4 Tips For Managing Your Anger

Are you looking for techniques to help in managing your anger? If you tend to have a short fuse or have intense anger outbursts, it may feel easy to judge yourself for your reactions. But there is an important difference between feeling angry and acting on it. You can be justified in feeling angry and still be in control of your how you act on the emotion. Putting distance between the moment that your anger is triggered and your angry response can feel very difficult at times. But it is doable! Here are some tips to help you start managing your anger.

4 Tips For Managing Your Anger

1. Recognize your warning signs

The first step of managing your anger is to get to know your anger. Recognize when you’ve gotten to a point where you can no longer think clearly or problem-solve. What signals to you that you’ve reached this point? You might feel your heart pounding or your face getting hot. You might start to speak louder or start to make big gestures with your hands. You might have mean thoughts about the other person or know you’re losing control but you continue to escalate. This is the moment when it’s time to step away. If you’re having a hard time knowing what your warning signs are, pay extra close attention to your face, body, and thoughts the next time you get angry. You can also ask friends or family who have seen you angry what signs they notice. Identify what your warning signs are so you know when to interrupt the angry train before it gets off the tracks.

2. Rate your anger

Another helpful strategy of managing your anger is to get to know your anger is to rate how angry you feel on a scale from 0-10 at any given moment. It might be useful to imagine a thermometer, with 0 at the bottom and 10 at the top. The more you practice noticing your warning signs when you’re angry, the more you’ll be aware of when your anger starts to climb up the thermometer. There may even be times that it shoots up from a 4 to a 9 or 10. It can be useful to be aware of these changes as they’re happening.

The rule of thumb is that if you rate yourself at a 7 or higher, it’s time for the next step – take a time out! If you are feeling angry at a 7, 8, 9, or 10, chances are that you aren’t able to think clearly, which means that you won’t be able to communicate in an effective or productive way. Time to step out, cool off, and come back when you’re much lower on the anger thermometer.

3. Take a time out

Sometimes it can feel like the hardest part is walking away. It’s also the most important. Realize that you do have a choice here. Even though your anger will draw you in to keep arguing, you’ll feel much more in control if you remove yourself from the situation and return when you’ve calmed down. One way to think about managing your anger is that your anger is like a fire, destroying anything in its path. We need to put out the fire before we can do anything else. Taking a time out is a great way to start calming the flames.

Next time you’re angry, if you’re not able to walk away, it can be useful to look at it as a learning opportunity – what lesson can you take from that situation and how may you try it differently next time?

4. Pick some calming techniques that work for you

Now that you’ve walked away from the tense situation, what do you do now? During the time out, avoid purposely holding onto the anger or intensifying it. Instead of fueling the fire, you want to notice the emotion and watch it slowly drain away. This may be tough at first, but with practice, you’ll notice yourself getting better at it.

This next step in managing your anger usually involves some trial and error – you might need to try a few different strategies before finding what works best for you. Here are some coping skills to try out:

4 strategies in managing your anger:


Close your eyes and imagine that you are somewhere you find soothing and peaceful. Maybe a tropical beach, quiet lake, or your favorite vacation spot. Now bring your attention to your 5 senses – what do you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel?

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing can be an effective way to calm our fight or flight response. Try some deep breathing for 5 minutes, focusing on your breath and body sensations. You can also try the 4-7-8 method – inhale for a count of 4, hold it for 7 seconds, and exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. Do this at least 3 times.


Talking yourself through a difficult moment can be very powerful. Some examples are – “I’m okay, it’s going to be okay,” “This too shall pass,” “I don’t have to act on this feeling. I can make choices about how I behave.” “Can I have empathy for myself and others right now?” What other phrases might be helpful to comfort and soothe yourself when you’re feeling worked up?

Do Something You Enjoy

Take a walk outside, listen to music, take a bath or hot shower, go for a run, watch your favorite TV show, garden, go for a drive, watch puppy videos or look at funny memes – pick a couple enjoyable activities to try during your time out. Managing your anger over time will become easier and easier.

There will always be things in our day that we could get mad about – whether someone cuts you off on the road or your partner makes a passive aggressive comment. Managing your anger is about how you choose to respond. Will you accept these anger invitations and respond with frustration and aggression? Or will you pass on them, allowing yourself to recognize your emotions and choose to respond differently? Managing your anger becomes a muscle you can exercise, and eventually these questions will become innate.

Anger can feel like a difficult emotion to stop in its tracks. These tips can be a helpful start. Finding a therapist with expertise in anger management can also offer you support and guidance in putting these strategies into practice in your life.

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