COPE Psychological Center
Ruth Robbins

Welcome Dr. Ruth Robbins to the COPE Family!

We are very excited for Dr. Ruth Robbins to join COPE and be our first full-time clinician. She brings her expertise in the mind-body connection and how it impacts pain levels, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. She has extensive training in mindfulness-based approaches, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and other treatment modalities for these issues.

Ruth Robbins, Welcome Dr. Ruth Robbins to the COPE Family!

Welcome Dr. Ruth Robbins to the COPE Family!

Now offering her expertise in the mind-body connection, insomnia, and chronic pain.

Dr. Robbins has specialized training in working with clients who experience complex co-occurring physical and mental health issues. She utilizes her expertise to help individuals identify unhelpful thought and behavioral patterns that keep them stuck and works collaboratively to help modify them.

Dr. Ruth Robbins joins the COPE family of providers who work with individuals, couples, and families and is paneled with ComPsych. She can be reached at:

(310) 453-8788 Ext. 8
[email protected]

New DBT Group staring June 22nd!

More details to follow in separate e-mail, however, we have our 1x/week DBT-based emotion management group starting on June 22nd!

New Blog on COPE Website and Psychology Today!

See our blog on CBT for Health Anxiety!

COPE Services

  • Individual Therapy (Teens + Adults)
  • Couples Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Group Therapy

If interested in learning more about any of these, visit us at our site for more information.

Schedule a Consultation Today

[email protected]
(310) 453-8788

Quote Therapy

“I’m no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I’m changing the things I cannot accept.” – Dr. Angela Davis

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